New Arrivals

30 Day Inspection's guarantee to any purchaser is the BEST in the business.

  • If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, then contact us immediately to arrange for return of the item for full refund, credit or exchange on the full value of the item
  • Items can not be shipped back to Down East antiques & Collectibles Inc., ( without first contacting us to discuss the method of return and shipment.
  • All items must be returned in original, unaltered condition and must be received by Down East Antiques & Collectibles Inc., not later than 30 days after the original shipping date. Return goods must be in the same condition as they were when shipped and must not be altered or modified in any manner.
  • All components, parts and accessories including documentation must also be in the original, unaltered condition and be included with the returned items. When the above conditions have been met, the full value of the items being returned to Down East Antiques & Collectibles Inc. will be reimbursed to the purchaser in the form of a full refund, credit or exchange.

Down East antiques & Collectibles Inc. ( can not reimburse the purchaser for the following:

Any customs or handling charges, excise taxes, duties, brokerage fees, transaction charges from the clients financial institution, insurance and/or shipping charges. In addition, we will not be liable for any appraisal services, cleaning , gunsmithing, inspection, or other handling fees incurred by the purchaser unless the said services were specifically requested by Down East Antiques & Collectibles Inc., 62 Route 101-A, Suite 7, Amherst, New Hampshire 03031 USA.