New Arrivals

Antique Handguns

Antique Longues of the world

Rare First Year of Production Colt Model 1877 Lightning Revolver

Item #: 48470

Rare First Year of Production Colt Model 1877 Lightning Revolver

Serial #2586, .38 Colt, 3 1/2" barrel with a very good bore that has some minor freckling and pittin.. ...(read more)


Smith & Wesson No.3 Second Model 44 American Revolver w/ Ivory Grips

Item #: 48850

Smith & Wesson No.3 Second Model 44 American Revolver w/ Ivory Grips

Serial #31992, .44 S&W American, 8 inch round ribbed barrel with fine bore with strong rifling a.. ...(read more)


Unusual French Small Bore Flintlock Pistol By Saintonge of Orleans (1760 – 1780)

Item #: 48344

Unusual French Small Bore Flintlock Pistol By Saintonge of Orleans (1760 – 1780)

NSN, .30 Caliber, 8 3/4" part octagon barrel with cannon type muzzle and a good, lightly pitted bore.. ...(read more)


Tranter Model 1868 Revolver in Rare .442 Caliber by E.M. Reilly & Co.

Item #: 47543

Tranter Model 1868 Revolver in Rare .442 Caliber by E.M. Reilly & Co.

Serial #952, .442 CF, 3 3/4" barrel with an excellent, bright bore.  This is a very handsome, s.. ...(read more)


Scarce Tipping & Lawden Revolver by James Webb of Salisbury in .36 Lipfire

Item #: 49096

Scarce Tipping & Lawden Revolver by James Webb of Salisbury in .36 Lipfire

Serial #5046, .36 Lipfire, 5" octagon barrel with a very good bore that has areas of darker pitting .. ...(read more)


 Excellent Civil War Ear 32RF Sidehammer Revolver Allen & Wheelock 3 Inch Barrel

Item #: 50006

Excellent Civil War Ear 32RF Sidehammer Revolver Allen & Wheelock 3 Inch Barrel

Serial #344, .32 Rim Fire (black powder), 3 inch octagon barrel with a bright, near excellent bore w.. ...(read more)


Exquisite Cased Tranter Revolver by William Lowe of Chester

Item #: 50012

Exquisite Cased Tranter Revolver by William Lowe of Chester

Serial #13889T, 54 Bore (.442 Caliber), 6" octagon barrel with a fine, bright bore that has some mil.. ...(read more)


 Early Navy Arms 44 Caliber Confederate 1851 Black Powder Revolver 1972

Item #: 49960

Early Navy Arms 44 Caliber Confederate 1851 Black Powder Revolver 1972

Serial #20526, .44 Caliber black powder percussion, 7.5 inch round barrel with an excellent bore.&nb.. ...(read more)


Beautiful Cased Deane, Adams & Deane Percussion Revolver

Item #: 50011

Beautiful Cased Deane, Adams & Deane Percussion Revolver

Serial #16886R, 54 Bore (.442 Caliber), 6" octagon barrel with a fine, bright bore that has some spo.. ...(read more)


C. Sharps & Co. Four Barrel Pepperbox 22 RF Philadelphia

Item #: 49969

C. Sharps & Co. Four Barrel Pepperbox 22 RF Philadelphia

Serial #42804, .22 Rim Fire, 2.5 inch barrel with fine dark bores with strong rifling and some scatt.. ...(read more)


Merrimack Arms Company “SOUTHERNER” Deringer 41 RF  Antique

Item #: 49961

Merrimack Arms Company “SOUTHERNER” Deringer 41 RF Antique

Serial #5041, .41 Rim Fire, 2.5 inch octagon barrel with a fine bore with strong rifling and light r.. ...(read more)


Unfired Taylor's Pietta 1851 Navy Buntline 44 Cal. BP Percussion Revolver

Item #: 49994

Unfired Taylor's Pietta 1851 Navy Buntline 44 Cal. BP Percussion Revolver

Serial #669237, .44 Caliber Black Powder percussion, 10 inch octagon barrel with a bright, excellent.. ...(read more)


Showing 1 to 15 of 241 (17 Pages)