New Arrivals

Antique Longguns

1745 Jacobite Rebellion York City Militia Musket by Watkin

Item #: 47951

1745 Jacobite Rebellion York City Militia Musket by Watkin

 NSN, .75 Caliber, 41 7/8" barrel with a fair, pitted bore. This is one of a number of Land Pat.. ...(read more)


Rare British Pattern 1843 Enrolled Pensioners or Extra Service Musket

Item #: 47252

Rare British Pattern 1843 Enrolled Pensioners or Extra Service Musket

NSN, .78 Caliber, 39" barrel with a good, lightly pitted bore.  This is a hefty musket that has.. ...(read more)


Scarce  US Model 1830 West Point Cadet Musket (Reconversion to Flint)

Item #: 47692

Scarce US Model 1830 West Point Cadet Musket (Reconversion to Flint)

Serial #10, about .59 Caliber, 36" barrel with a fair, lightly pitted bore. This is a handsome muske.. ...(read more)


Showing 76 to 90 of 131 (9 Pages)