Books, Catalogues & Paper
Item #: SPBB2P
Brooker's Canadian Army Badges From 1920 to Unification Vol. 2
Authored by internationally known badge expert Chris Brooker, this series will examine the metal cap.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-32
British Patents, Abridgements of Specifications, Class 9, Ammunition 7
This is a printing of all of the ammunition, and weapon related patents as filed in Britain from 185.. ...(read more)
Item #: 38693
Ruger Collectors' Journal Vol 1 ?Çô Vol 7 1977 to 1983
This is a lot of 19 issues of the Ruger Collectors' Journal from 1977 to 1983. This was a quarterly.. ...(read more)
Item #: 11090
Baby Hammerless Revolvers Book Limited Supply
By Frank M. Sellers @2004, softcover, 75 pages; a new copy. Great pictures and text make this the d.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-06
The Queen Anne Pistol, 1660 - 1780. John Burgoyne
This book fills a gap in the arms literature by tracing the development of the design and decoration.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-15
The Fraser Highlanders Book History (Soft Cover)
The Fraser Highlanders By Col. J. R. Harper: The Fraser Highlanders were first raised in 1757 by Sim.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-24
Arms & Accoutrements of the Mounted Police (Softcover)
Arms & Accoutrements of The RCMP, 1873-1973 by R. F. Phillips, & D. J. Klancher: A definitive histor.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-23
Arms & Accoutrements of the Mounted Police Hardcover Book
A definitive history of the arms and accoutrements used by the North West Mounted Police, the Royal .. ...(read more)
Item #: 30022
The Comblain Rifle Book by Jonathan Kirton Published Jan 2016
"The Comblain Rifle" by Jonathan Kirton is 94 Pages of information on the innovative and interesting.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-29
Tangled Web: Canadian Infantry Accoutrements, 1855 - 1985
Tangled Web; Canadian Infantry Equipments, 1855-1985 by Jack L. Summers: An extensive, well illustra.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-21
The Big Guns: Civil War Siege, Seacoast, and Naval Cannon
A classic book designed to identify the ordnance of both North and South, with 360 pp., 106 photo il.. ...(read more)