Item #: 10777
Bulgarian Luger Holster
This P-08 holster is very similar to one shown on page 77 of "Luger Holsters and Accessories of the .. ...(read more)
Item #: 15771
Relic Chinese Crossbow Lock 200-100 BC.
A small late Chinese Warring Period (c. 200-100 BC) bronze crossbow lock. Of typical form, this loc.. ...(read more)
Item #: 37888
Original Ben Shahn Poster French Workers WWII Propaganda
This is an original WWII poster issued in 1942 by the War Production Drive Headquarters. It measures.. ...(read more)
Item #: 18318
Vintage UMC No 10 Trap Wads
This red and white checkered box wears a green label with "UMC" oval logo in all four corners while .. ...(read more)
Item #: 31715
British Military Wire Cutters by Sunshine 1946 Dated
This is a vintage pair of British Army wire cutters manufactured by Sunshine and dated 1946. Additio.. ...(read more)
Item #: 23434
Cased Pair of 19th Century Spectacles
This is an original pair of wire frame spectacles with octagonal lenses and springy, telescopic temp.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-06
The Queen Anne Pistol, 1660 - 1780. John Burgoyne
This book fills a gap in the arms literature by tracing the development of the design and decoration.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-15
The Fraser Highlanders Book History (Soft Cover)
The Fraser Highlanders By Col. J. R. Harper: The Fraser Highlanders were first raised in 1757 by Sim.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-23
Arms & Accoutrements of the Mounted Police Hardcover Book
A definitive history of the arms and accoutrements used by the North West Mounted Police, the Royal .. ...(read more)
Item #: 35819
Nova Scotia Highlander Sporran
Post WW2 Nova scotia highlander military Sporran. leather body with a name removed from the back sid.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-29
Tangled Web: Canadian Infantry Accoutrements, 1855 - 1985
Tangled Web; Canadian Infantry Equipments, 1855-1985 by Jack L. Summers: An extensive, well illustra.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-21
The Big Guns: Civil War Siege, Seacoast, and Naval Cannon
A classic book designed to identify the ordnance of both North and South, with 360 pp., 106 photo il.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-16
The Miniature Firearms of David Kucer, From the Kingdom of Lilliput:
This book provides an overview of the subject of miniature firearms in general and David Kucer.s min.. ...(read more)
Item #: ACP-25
The Art and Science of War in America 1690 - 1800
The Art & Science of War in America, A Bibliography of American Military Imprints,1690-1800 by Josep.. ...(read more)