Remington Model 121 Fieldmaster Slide-Action Rifle Factory Rework
Serial #6105, .22 S-L-LR, 24" barrel with an excellent, bright bore. This is a handsome, 1937-made r..
Scarce U.M.C. Black Powder 32-40 Ballard & Marlin Ammo Full Box
This is a full box, 20 original rounds, of .32-40 Ballard & Marlin black powder ammunition manufactu..
Full Box REM-UMC 50-70 Government Ammunition 20 Rds 450 Grain Bullets
This is a full box, 20 rounds, of .50-70 Government ammo manufactured by Remington Arms – Union Meta..
Scarce Sealed! Remington UMC 40-72 Ammo Winchester 1895 Black Powder
This is a full and sealed box of .40-72 black powder ammunition manufactured by Reminton UMC with 33..
Remington 5mm Magnum 38 grain Power-Lokt HP Rimfire Ammo 178 rnds.
This is four boxes of 178 rounds of Remington 5mm Magnum 38 grain Power-Lokt HP Rimfire Ammo. The bo..
Scarce UMC Dog Logo Picture Box 32 Short RF No.2
This is a full box, 50 rounds, of .32 Short Rim Fire ammunition manufactured by the Union Metallic ..
Remington 700 VS Varmint Synthetic Rifle 22-250 Rem Excellent
Serial #RR82708G, .22-250 Rem, 26 inch heavy threaded barrel with removable flash suppressor having ..
Full Box Rem UMC "Dog Bone" Kleanbore 45 Auto Rim Ammo 230 GR
This is a full box, 50 original rounds, of .45 Auto Rim ammunition manufactured by Remington UMC wit..
US Navy Remington Flare Gun Marked for New York Navy Yard
This is a rarely seen US Navy MKII (not the much more common MK III) single shot flare gun chambered..