New Arrivals

Canadian 22LR Rim Fire Ammunition 250rnds

This is a group of Canadian manufactured .22 lr. rimfire ammunition consisting of 2 full boxes of Valcartier Industries Inc. An unopened box of Dominion 22 long rifle, high velocity, hollow points and a box of Target, standard velocity 22 long rifle. The other three boxes are from C-I-L or Canadian Industries Limited Pre-1976, one box of Imperial 22 long rifle Mushroom, High Velocity. Two boxes of Canuck, 22 long rifle Greased and 22 long rifle. All the boxes are in excellent condition with original ammunition. Total of 5 boxes, 250 rounds.  

  • Item #: 49892
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $89.00

Tags: Canuck .22