New Arrivals

Early Smith & Wesson Model 37 Flat Latch Chiefs Special Airweight 1966

Serial #325291, .38 Special, 2 inch barrel with a bright, excellent bore.  This is the Smith & Wesson Model 37 Airweight revolver built prior to 1966 with the flat latch and aluminum alloy frame.   The barrel is marked Airweight.  In excellent overall condition the metal surfaces retain about 97-98% of the original finish with a faint drag line on the cylinder and some scattered light use and carry marks with the trigger and hammer showing the original bright case colors.  The diamond center checkered square butt walnut grips are numbered to the gun and remain in excellent condition.  An excellent example of the Chiefs Special Airweight that with the desirable flat latch is a great addition to any S&W collection.  FFL or C&R

  • $1,095.00

Tags: S&W 37 .38 Spl