New Arrivals

Scarce Government Contract Full Box Remington 38 Super Ammo Full Box

This is a full box, 50 original rounds, of .38 Colt Super  Automatic (.38 ACP) ammunition manufactured by Remington as part of a government procurement designated as Lot “R.A. 5002” with full metal jacket bullets.  Whether for Federal law enforcement or military use the box appears to be circa late WWII era to mid-century.  The box flap states that its for use “only in Colt Super Automatic Pistols DESIGNED for High Velocity Ammunition.”  The box and cartridges, which are head stamped “REM-UMC 38 ACP” are both in excellent condition.  An interesting and very seldom-seen caliber in a Government contract box.  We have been notified by a customer that this ammo was loaded for the state dept issue in countries not allowing military cals.  Also noting that the danger here is the ammo is in brass cases and not marked as Super!

  • Brand: Remington
  • Item #: 50056
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $195.00

Tags: Remington .38 Super