Remington UMC Full Box 40-70 Sharps 2 1/4 Inch Black Powder Ammo Patched Bullet
This is a full box, 10 original rounds, of .40-70 Sharps black powder ammunition manufactured by Remington UMC with 2 1/4 inch brass shells and paper patched bullets dating to the early 19-teens, sometime after the companies merged in 1911. The original label has 330 grains which is neatly crossed out and 285 is inked on top, perhaps a factory alteration for a special order? The label has the call out “For Sharps Rifle”. The cartridges appear native to the box but with unknown bullet weight with the correct paper alternating wrap. The two piece, half-split box has some corner separation but is otherwise solid with a very nice, colorful green and red label with very good graphics showing some rub wear. The cartridges are in excellent condition.