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The Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting - Vol .2 No.2 Feb. 1964

  • The Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting - Vol .2 No.2 Feb. 1964
File Size
2-2 Almighty Voices Rifle.pdf 3.38MB View Article
2-2 Sopers Patent No. 446.pdf 91.71KB View Article
2-2 An Australian Bayonet.pdf 41.58KB View Article
2-2 Further Light on a Powder Tester.pdf 950.15KB View Article
2-2 The Arquebusier.pdf 4.46MB View Article
2-2 Some American Gunsmiths from Canada 1850.pdf 464.28KB View Article
2-2 The .28-1906 Ross.pdf 880.17KB View Article
2-2 An All-metal Pistol and a Lesson.pdf 674.44KB View Article

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Almighty Voice's Rifle

Osipoff, Fred

Soper's Patent No. 446

Gooding, S. James

An Australian Bayonet

Lecuyer, Bernard

Further Light on a Powder Tester

Wolf, Paul J

The Arquebusier (Early Water Powered French Machine): 1765

Lecuyer, Bernard

Some American Gunsmiths from Canada 1850

McAfee, Robert

The .28-1906 Ross


An All-metal Pistol and a Lesson

Howard, Gordon T