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The Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting - Vol .2 No.3 Aug. 1964

  • The Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting - Vol .2 No.3 Aug. 1964
File Size
2-3 Trade Guns of the North West Co..pdf 4.09MB View Article
2-3 Powder Testing-A Historic Method.pdf 682.45KB View Article
2-3 The Acadia Powder Company.pdf 3.05MB View Article
2-3 Single Shot Rifles of the Boer War.pdf 3.28MB View Article
2-3 Happy Coincidence..pdf 886.01KB View Article

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Trade Guns of the North West Co.

Howard, Gordon T.

Powder Testing-A Historic Method

Lecuyer, Bernard

The Acadia Powder Company

Talbot, A. G.

Single Shot Rifles of the Boer War

Sterett, Larry S.

Happy Coincidence

Halsey, Ashley jr.