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The Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting - Vol .3 No.1 Feb. 1965

  • The Canadian Journal of Arms Collecting - Vol .3 No.1 Feb. 1965
File Size
3-1 Shooters Accessories of the Alaskan Indians.pdf 342.58KB View Article
3-1 James Paris Lee.pdf 7.03MB View Article
3-1 What was good about the Ross Rifle.pdf 2.05MB View Article
3-1 A Twenty-Two Pound Charleville.pdf 839.33KB View Article
3-1 British Ordnance- Muzzle Stopper c.1800.pdf 769.06KB View Article

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Shooters' Accessories of the Alaskan Indians

Baird, Donald

James Paris Lee

Saturday Globe

What was good about the Ross Rifle?


A Twenty-Two Pound Charleville

Lecuyer, Bernard

British Ordnance: Muzzle Stopper c.1800

Walter Zacharchuk